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Containing manyealistic details based on Childes’ own sailing tips along the Geman Noth Sea coast, the book is theetelling of a yachting expedition in the ealy 20th centuy combined with an adventuous spy stoy.It was one of the ealy invasion novels which pedicted wawith Gemany and called foBitish pepaedness. The plot involves the uncoveing of secet Geman pepaations foan invasion of the United Kingdom. It is often called the fist moden spy novel, although othes ae as well, it was cetainly vey influential in the gene and foits time.The book enjoyed immense populaity in the yeas befoe Wold WaI and was extemely influential. Winston Chuchill latecedited it as a majoeason that the Admialty decided to establish naval bases at Invegodon, the Fith of Foth and Scapa Flow.