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它由英国著名喜剧演员、作家、歌手乔治·格罗史密斯和其弟英国著演员、画家威登·格罗史密斯共同编著而成。书中讲述了实实在在的正经人普特尔的幸福生活。普特尔是一个公司的小职员,勤勤恳恳、兢兢业业,他对工作和生活心满意足:在郊区有一幢六个卧室的房子,老板对他很照顾,妻子也与他情投意合,还有两个关系很不错的朋友。踌躇满志的普特尔开始写日记,当然都是些家长里短、柴米油盐,太阳底下无新事。偶尔有机会参加一个上等人的聚会,虽洋相出尽,可老普却并不在意。成为一个体面的绅士是他生活目标,他的努力得到了回报,最终他基本上达到了自己的目标。——The Diary of a Nobody is the fictitious record of fifteen months in the life of Charles Pooter, his family, friends and small circle of acquaintances. It first appeared, serialised in Punch magazine and might be regarded as the first ‘blog’; being a record of the simplicities and humiliations in the life of this mundane, but upright, city clerk, who had an incontestable faith that a record of his daily life was worth preserving for posterity.Set in about 1891 in Holloway, which was then a typical suburb of the impecuniously respectable kind, the authors contrive a record of the manners, customs and experiences of the late Victorian era. The bare record of facts, simply recorded, manages to be humorous rather than dull, no doubt because of the usual occupations of the authors.