惠特曼-草叶集-leaves Of Grass

 惠特曼-草叶集-leaves Of Grass内容简介:

惠特曼-草叶集-leaves Of Grass_英语有声小说。作者是出生于一八一零年美国长岛的诗人。小时候,作者的生活很贫困,五岁是举家搬到布鲁克林,父亲成为了那里的木工,而作者惠特曼也在那里开始读小学。但是,由于家里的经济问题,他只读了五年的小学。

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草叶集-leaves Of Grass是作者创作的第一部诗集,第一次出版是一八五五年,在美国的纽约。当时这部诗集只有十二首诗,但是到一八八二年再出版时,就已经 有三百七十二首诗了。在作者八十一年的人生旅途中,作所创作的诗歌对于世人的影响之深已经不能用言语来简单的形容了。而他在美国南北战争时候,为被刺的总统写的沉痛悼念诗篇也被收录在了这本诗集里。特别是他对于民主以及人民自由的渴望,都通过他的诗歌,淋漓尽致的展现了出来。在他的诗作里,你可以看到他对劳动人民的创造性的劳动进行讴歌,也能看到他对于积极向上的精神的赞扬。无论诗人过往的生活如何的艰苦,都不能磨灭他那种民主的追求,积极乐观的心。

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American poet Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass, is a collection of poems notable for its frank delight in and praise of the senses, during a time when such candid displays were considered immoral. Where much previous poetry, especially English, relied on symbolism, allegory, and meditation on the religious and spiritual, Leaves of Grass exalted the body and the material world. 
Whitman was inspired to begin Leaves of Grass after reading an essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson which expressed a need for a uniquely American poet. When the book was first published, Whitman sent a copy to Emerson, whose praiseful letter of response helped launch the book to success. Whitman’s hero, Abraham Lincoln, read and enjoyed an early version of Leaves of Grass. Despite such high recommendations, Whitman faced charges of obscenity and immorality for his work, but this only led to increased popularity of the book. 
Whitman continually revised and republished Leaves of Grass throughout his lifetime, notably adding the “Drum-Taps” section after Lincoln’s assassination. The book grew from 12 poems in its first publication, which Whitman paid for and typeset himself, to nearly 400 poems in its final, “Death Bed Edition.” This recording is of the final edition.


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