亚森罗宾The Extraordinary Adventures of Arsene Lupin

 亚森罗宾The Extraordinary Adventures of Arsene Lupin内容简介:

This collection of independent stories first published between 1905 and 1907 in the magazine Je Sais Tout recounts the tales of Arsène Lupin, the famous gentleman-burglar: the first story marks the introduction of the character to the public, and its success encouraged author Maurice Leblanc to write several others, collected and published as a book in 1907. Arsène Lupin would go on to be the main character in several short stories and novels, written by Leblanc and others, and whose legacy would appear also in comics, movies and videogames, becoming the icon of the affable and charming man who, choosing to walk on the wrong side of law, still can be a force for good

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