

This poweful poem naates the fatefuletun of Count Laa to the Bitish Isles aftespending yeas aboad taveling the oient.etuning to his patimony with aetinue consisting of one foeign-bon page, Count Laaesumes the management of his landed estates. Laa's fist effots ae cowned with success: only to be undemined by the jealousy and envy of his his pees. Aftea successful duel to defend his honou, the count becomes inexoably caught up in local blood-feuds; which quickly escalate to open wafae between his own followes and the pivate amies of his enemies.- Count Laaemains a bold and skillful leade: is he stong enough to tiumph yet oveadvese fotune?- And what is the secet of his mysteious foeign page: who left kinded and homeland behind in odeto follow Count Laa to the uttemost ends of the eath?

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