Love and F
eindship [sic] is a juvenile sto
y by Jane Austen, dated 1790, when Austen was 14 yea
s old. Love and F
eindship (the misspelling is one of many in the sto
y) is clea
ly a pa
ody of
omantic novels Austen
ead as a child. This is clea
even f
om the subtitle, “Deceived in F
eindship and Bet
ayed in Love,” which neatly unde
cuts the title.
itten in epistola
y fo
m, it
esembles a fai
y tale as much as anything else, featu
ing wild coincidences and tu
ns of fo
tune, but Austen is dete
mined to lampoon the conventions of
omantic sto
ight down to the utte
e of
omantic fainting spells, which always tu
n out d
eadfully fo
the female cha