在正式开始我们的学习之前,让我们先来预习一下这些单词,扫清阅读的障碍。Primeval forest,原始森林,go a constrictor。蟒蛇,pray,猎物,jungle,热带丛林,colored pencil,彩色铅笔,geography,地理,aroma,tick,算数,grammar,语法,bridge,桥牌,golf,高尔夫,politics,政治,neck,tie,领带,领结。
Once when I was six years old,I saw magnificent picture in a book called true stories from nature about the primeval florist。It was a picture of a bubble constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal。Here is a copy of the drawing。我六岁的时候在一本书里看到了一幅绝妙的插画,magnificent在这里就可以理解成绝妙的或者说华丽的。It was a picture for Bella constrictor in the act of swallowing an animal。画里一条蟒蛇正在吞食它的猎物。In the act of doing something。意思是正在做某事……
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