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[英语小说] 迪金森诗选Sel_ected_Poems_of_Emily_Dickinson ( 已完成 )
作者: Emily Dickinson 章/节数: 26
内容介绍: Emily Dickinson has come to be regarded as one of the quintessential poets of 19th century America. A very private poet with a very quiet an
[英语小说] Life_Poem_XXI_by_Emily_Dickinson ( 已完成 )
作者: Emily Dickinson 章/节数: 40
内容介绍: Poem XXI: “A Book”, read by the wonderful podcasters at the Podcasters Across Borders 2006 conference, in Kingston, Ontario, June 23-24, 2
[英语小说] The_Ideal_Bartender ( 已完成 )
作者: Tom Bullock 章/节数: 10
内容介绍: Tom Bullock was a well-known bartender at the St. Louis Country Club. His skills as a bartender were so remarkable that a libel suit hinged
[英语小说] The_Camp_of_the_Dog ( 已完成 )
作者: Blackwood, Algernon 章/节数: 6
内容介绍: A party of campers on a deserted Baltic island is terrorized by a huge wolf… or is it· Summary by Charles Blakemore
[英语小说] Current_Superstitions ( 已完成 )
作者: Fanny Dickerson Bergen 章/节数: 21
内容介绍: No matter how enlightened, chances are you’ve been raised around superstitious lore of one kind or another. Fanny Dickerson Bergen was one
[英语小说] 名利场Vanity_Fair ( 已完成 )
作者: William Makepeace Thackeray 章/节数: 69
内容介绍: 《名利场》的故事以两条线索展开,从同一个起点出发,相互交织,最后到达同一个终点。其中一条线索讲述善良、笨拙、生活在富有家庭中的女子阿米莉亚·
[英语小说] 我的奴役与自由_My_Bondage_and_My_Freedom ( 已完成 )
作者: Frederick Douglass 章/节数: 36
内容介绍: This book was converted from its physical edition to the digital format by a community of volunteers. You may find it for free on the web. P
[英语小说] 幕后_Behind_the_Scenes ( 已完成 )
作者: Elizabeth Keckley 章/节数: 18
内容介绍: This is the autobiography of Elizabeth Keckley, a former slave who bought her freedom with the money she earned as a seamstress. She eventua
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