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查询关键字:wilkie collins

The Evil Genius Part2
[英语小说] The Evil Genius Part2 ( 已完成 )
作者: Wilkie COLLINS 章/节数: 33
内容介绍: The Evil Genius, one of Wilkie Collins' last works, is subtitled "A Domestic Scene". It is the intriguing tale of family Linley, including t
The Evil Genius Part1
[英语小说] The Evil Genius Part1 ( 已完成 )
作者: Wilkie COLLINS 章/节数: 34
内容介绍: The Evil Genius, one of Wilkie Collins' last works, is subtitled "A Domestic Scene". It is the intriguing tale of family Linley, including t
[英语小说] 小姐还是夫人Miss_or_Mrs.? ( 已完成 )
作者: Wilkie Collins 章/节数: 13
内容介绍: Natalie Graybrooke is in love with her cousin Launcelot Linzie, but engaged to Mr. Turlington, an older man who covets her fortune and whom
[英语小说] 闹鬼的旅馆The_Haunted_Hotel,_A_Mystery_of_Modern_Venice ( 已完成 )
作者: Wilkie Collins 章/节数: 30
内容介绍: A kind, good-hearted genteel young woman jilted, a suspicious death or two that only a few think could be murder, strange apparitions appear
[英语小说] 罪之河The_Guilty_River ( 已完成 )
作者: Wilkie Collins 章/节数: 19
内容介绍: Aftehis fathe’s death Geadoylakeetuns fom Gemany to take up his inheitance at Timley Deen. On one evening he meets his childhood fiend, Cis
[英语小说] 冰渊The_Frozen_Deep ( 已完成 )
作者: Wilkie Collins 章/节数: 19
内容介绍: The Frozen Deep is a story of a love triangle between Clara, Frank and Richard, spiced up with dangerous expeditions, mysterious visions and
[英语小说] 白衣女人The_Woman_in_White ( 已完成 )
作者: William Wilkie Collins 章/节数: 64
内容介绍: 画家哈特莱特与富家少女劳拉·费尔利坠入情网;然而劳拉早被亡父许给了风流倜傥的珀斯威尔爵士。一个晚上,哈特莱特在路上偶遇一位长相酷似劳拉的白衣女
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