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查询关键字:Kenneth Grahame

[英语小说] The_Reluctant_Dragon ( 已完成 )
作者: Kenneth Grahame 章/节数: 1
内容介绍: What would you do if you discovered a dragon living in a cave on a hill above your home· Make friends, read poetry together· It turns out
[童话故事] 柳林风声_The_Wind_in_the_Willows ( 已完成 )
作者: Kenneth Grahame 章/节数: 13
内容介绍: 《柳林风声》(Wind in the Willows)是适合围坐在暖暖的火炉边,大家一起听的故事。当在雪地里冷得直打哆嗦的鼹鼠和水鼠终于进到獾先生舒适的家,钻进带
[英语小说] 黄金时代_The_Golden_Age ( 已完成 )
作者: Kenneth Grahame 章/节数: 19
内容介绍: The Golden Age is a collection of reminiscences of childhood, written by Kenneth Grahame and originally published in book form in 1895, in
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